Tuesday, July 9, 2013

New Academic Year Inauguration

Inauguration of New Academic Year (2013 -2014) began with Holy Eucharist. Archbishop Abraham Viruthakulangara, the patron of the seminary was the main celebrant. Staff, Fathers from diocese and various study houses, sisters and students participated in Holy Mass and Inaugural ceremony. Inaugural ceremony held in Aula Magna hall. Archbishop Inaugurated the New Academic Year. Rev. Fr. Paulson Deepak O.P. - rector of the seminary - presented the annual report of 2012 - 2013, Rev. Fr. John Kusumalayam O.P. -  Provincial Superior of Dominican congregation of Indian Province -  gave a message, Rev. Dr. Bosco George O.P.  gave a lecture on 'The Hindi Bible: A Historical and Linguistic Perspective'.

Annual Retreat

Academic year begun with Annual Retreat. Retreat started on June 16th. Preachers of the retreat were rev. Fr. George and Mr. Thomas Antony from Delhi. Brothers were filled by Holy Spirit. Holy Eucharist, Adoration, Talks and Praise & Worship made retreat more rich.

Welcome to 2013 - 2014